Friday, October 30, 2015

life update because i'm so fucking interesting

So, the past few posts have been kinda sad and down, so I thought I’d make a happier post to break the chain. Also because I haven’t posted in a while. I guess.

Guess who got a boyfriend? I bought it at target for 2,99$, it was a great deal.


There’s not even a target in Portugal.

But yes.

Lorac is not single anymore.

And no, I’m not dating James, much to the sadness of 14-year-old me. His name is JOHN CENAAAAAAA TOO TOOROTOOOOO

Not, he’s not John Cena, but he is the John that I talked about that went with us to the little town festival at night. Yes. That John.

Thinking about it now, anyone who reads this might think that it was all too sudden, and I didn’t talk about him enough on the blog. I haven’t. I was actually too busy living to post it in the blog. But the posts about trying to be nicer and wanting to rip the skin of my face were about stuff that happened with him. Yeah, we didn’t start off that good. Stuff happened in this past weekend. But everything’s fine now, I guess. More than fine, actually.

The thing is (I say this expression a lot, I need to stop), we started dating four days ago (WOOP WOOP LONGEST REALATIONSHIP I’VE EVER HAD IT’S A RECORD WOOP WOOP) but we knew we liked each other for some time. And then stuff got weird. And then it got fine. I don’t want to go into detail because, even though this is my blog and sorta my journal, there’s just stuff I can’t write about. At least for now.

But I think I like him way too much. I can’t keep my hands of him, and I can’t stop thinking about him, and wanting to kiss him and breathe him in, and I’ve never liked anyone this was before, and everything is so new, and what if I’m feeling too much too fast? What if this is just a thing in the spur in the moment, and before we know it it’s gone? I don’t want it to be gone. I want this to last for a while, at least. I feel so good and happy when I’m with him, and when I talk to him, and I keep thinking that I only like his attention, but my mum said I’m just overthinking and I should just go with the flow. So I guess that’s what I’ll do, and when I get to wherever the flows taking me, I’ll tell you more about it.

I don’t think I’m in love. I don’t wanna think I’m in love because it’s still too fucking soon plus previous ‘relationship experiences’ make me doubt every single fucking thing my brain produces. I know I like him. A lot. And I know I want to go to FUCKING DUBLIN WITH HIM AND MY FRIENDS AAAAHHH THREE NIGHTS IN IRELAND CAN YOU FEEL MY HAPPINESS I’VE NEVER FLEW BEFORE, SO THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME but there’s the slight chance of me not going. So that’s sad.

So I’m not single anymore. That sucks. I was just starting to love the single life. Oh well. I guess John makes up for it.

And jfc that boy has the dirtiest mind ever, this is what I have to deal with daily he’s such a jerk I like him a lot.

Also we’re in the same class. Everyone tries to grab him to make me feel jealous. I feel jealous. They succeeded. My maths teacher teased us today.

Life is weird. I love it.

Song of the day: the whole ‘Black Lines’ album. Mayday Parade’s new album is just so fucking great, jfc I love it to death. My favorite song has to be one of them will destroy the other. It’s so great. Also I can play letting go on the acoustic guitar and it sounds so beautiful. And Drive, by Halsey, pretty much describes my life. Halsey is great.

Peace out dragons, and see ya later alligator xx

PS-this post is just an update for future me that’ll be reading through this blog in two years time and regretting all my life choices I’m making right now. I’m sorry. I’m having too much fun to stop now.

PPS- also expect a lot of lovesick teenager posts because I feel really creative right now. Mainly to write in Portuguese, which is my native language, but something in English may come out of this brain of mine, so I’m sorry in advance if I make you vomit because of my disgustingly cute words.

Kay baii

Monday, October 5, 2015

how did i end up here

I want to rip the skin of my face and of my body and just leave me with my flesh and bones because that’s exactly how I feel right now. Exposed, naked, fragile. Weak. I don’t know this person I’ve become. I’ve became more confident over the time with my body, but I think that now the problem is my personality, and I have no fucking idea who I am anymore. And I hate this person living inside me, and I want to take of my skin and lay under all my blankets and let this person go and feel completely empty. Empty and nothing more. I don’t want to feel a single thing. I’m tired of crying my eyes out because of myself and not doing anything to change, but I don’t know how to change and I’m too fucking selfish to ask for help, because I want to feel exposed alone, I want to be alone, without any judging eyes but mine, because I can deal with those pretty well. I can hate myself, but I can’t bear the thought of anyone else hating me because I can deal with myself. I can’t deal with people. How do I make friends, how am I nice? How do I conquer someone’s trust? I don’t know. Should I just be myself? What if myself isn’t enough? I hate myself, how can anyone else like me? They can, that’s the thing. So I create this thing, this secondary human that’s what I would like to be and what I think other people would like. But I messed up the coding, because the end product is nothing like what I had expected, it deteriorated so fast, it became an even worse person than I ever thought was possible. And now that I’m trying to let go of this awful secondary person, I’m left with the selfish, pitiful part of myself, the part of myself that I despise the most. I hate being weak, I like being badass, but people don’t like that. Dad doesn’t like that. My friends don’t like that. I hate it. And now I’m crying and my vision is blurry and if I was driving it would just be so easy to swerve of the driveway and end everything. Here in the real world everything is hard, there’s feelings and responsibilities and other people to judge you and to hate you and I don’t like it. I want to go back to my bubble of happiness and loneliness, away from everyone, just being lazy old me.

But I don’t even know who I am anymore, so I can’t just be me, can I?