Sunday, July 6, 2014

A night in the life of Lorac: Tryin' to watch anime

Okay, it's ten pm, time to finish Attack on Titan.
Wait, I don't think I'm ready to finish that show.
Okay, I am, let's go.
Watch Episode 21
half an hour later...
Better check out tumblr.
half an hour later
OH NO I LOST MY INTERNET CONNECT- Wait, there she is (yes, my internet connection is a girl, problem?)
But it still hasn't loaded the episode? Better go on Facebook.
Wait, it changed again? Mark, you need to stop changing the design of your website, it's really confusing me... Yeh, but anime can be even more confusing.
WAIT I'M ONLINE? 'Kay, time to check the website.
'Exceded time limit' DA FUC?!
F5 F5 F5
Okay, wait more thirty minutes.
Better log in on Steam. Wait, I can't because I LOST MY FUCKING INTERNET CONNECTION... AGAIN!
Turn off W-Lan thingy.
Turn it on again.
Wait to have wi- Wait, what do you mean you don't catch the wi-fi?!?
*signing in*
I'M ON!!! *heaven's light*
F5 on the episode page.
Better not lose the fucking connection again.
Refresh Facebook. Close Tumblr, it spends too much internet, I need to save it for the anime (lol my logic)
Wait, why don't you close Tumblr? Close, close, CLOSE!!!
My computer is so slow... Damn you, Windows XP!
I'm so sad, yesterday I was on the computer until 4 am, why can't I have the internet now? Wait, maybe the internet gods think I've had too much internet yesterday and they think that today I don't deserve it. Or maybe the person who's giving the internet to me just moved away (I use a hostspot thingy, it's weird, don't even ask)
Let's do a test.
*Unlocks phone* Own, Rin, you're so adorable! *turns on wi-fi* Yep, definately, the person who's giving me the internet has moved away...
Oh no. What am I supposed to do now?
But I went on the internet just two hours ago, what happened?
Repair? Repair what? UH, repair my internet connection! *repairing*
It's gonna take a while...
*reads a wattpad fanfiction*
*checks 'repairing'*
It's stll renovating the IP adress? But it's been doing that for HOURS!!!
I can't take it!
*turns off W-Lan thingy
*turns it on once again*
*tries to connect to the hotspot*
I'm hungry.
*waits more*
*tries repairing the connection again*
*commits suicide because can't live without internet/anime*
*close all unecessary tabs*
*opens Steam*
It's loading, it's loading, it's loading yassssss
That's a cute name. Shingeki no Kyojin. I'M HAPPY!!!
*checks internet speed*
"very slow"
*moves closer to the window*
*loses the internet*
*finds it again*
*checks Steam*
*jumps happily because James's online*
(yeah, I may or may not have a crush on my best friend... DO NOT JUDGE ME!)
*finds out that he actually isn't online, it was just George (my computer) messing with me*
*checks the AOT tab*
*waits patiently for it to load*
I'm hungry.
*does happy dance because the episode has loaded and James messaged me*

Hey, hey, hey.
So, this is diferent... Got to go, James messaging me like hell, and the Steam messaging sound is annoying.
BTW everything said above actually just happened so yeah.
Peace out dudes!
Lorac xx

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