Sunday, July 6, 2014


Okay, long story short. I'm Lorac, 15, not american, slgihtly worried because I might be addicted to anime. That's basicly the reason why I decided to start this blog.
 Don't judge me if there's any spelling mistakes. I'm too lazy to check the thingy that verifies your grammar. 
So, okay, this is going to be so weird writing for the internet, but I don't feel like writing in a physical journal and if it's on the internet, it might force me to try to write in here most of the days. Because if I write, usually I'm happier and I don't have to carry so much on my shoulders aka my thoughts.
And, I really want to share my anime adventures with you people because I started wacthing anime and I kinda got addicted to it.? God, this sounds so lame. Anyways, it was actually my best friend who introduced me to Death Note and then I kinda liked it and then he said "Watch the Blue Exorcist!" and now I might be "in love" with Rin Okumura... What can I do, he has a freaking TAIL and his flames are BLUE and he's adorable!!! And now I'm watching attack on Titan and everybody's like "OH MY GOD KEEP WATCHING IT BECAUSE PLOT TWISTS, LEVI, TITANS" and I'm like "OMA I'm so confused!" but I kinda like it. But I have to admite that Ao No Exorcist is more my kind of anime...? I don't even know what's my kind of anime. Are there kinds of anime? How do you say anime? Like, animeH or anIme? I don't know...
Also, I JUST GOT RID OF EXAMS AND MY SCHOOL but at the same time I'm feeling conflictuated (is this a word?) because I'm leaving the guys that sticked with me for four years and I don't think I can't handle it. I mean, I'm not good with people, let me get this straight. I'm kinda of an antisocial... I don't know if you english/americans use this word? Do you? I don't know. Anyways, I'm kinda of an antisocial and my dad actually got mad at me because of that... Pff, dumb dad. And because I'm not good with people, it took me a long time to actually accept them as my close friends. (In the begining everybody was like "I LOVE YOU OMA!!!" but then I was like "WUT? Why do I love them?" and I had a thing in my brain that told me "Why would you like them? They don't like you" and then... you see the scenario) And to be best friends with, well, my best friends (James and Maia, in case you were wondering their names...) This shit is getting confusing. Actually, I'm not even sorry.
I'm four episodes away from finishing Attack On Titan. The next anime I'm going to watch it's... I think it's Fairy Tail (I think you write it like that? I dunno). But James (you know, the guy that introduced me to anime) says that I have to watch other animes but I'm like HELL NO I'M GONNA BE A REBELIOUS AND DO MY THING and also, who cares what I watch or not? I mean, I have the whole summer ahead of me.
I'm so afraid that someone I know will find out about this, because I don't say these things to them, I'm not brave enough. And, yeah. It would be weird if they found out so, I hope this blog stays in the shadows forever...
Song of the day: Me and Creed, by I don't know the name of the artist but it's a song from The Blue Exorcist and it just makes me feel so powerfull and happy because in the anime, when it plays, it means something big and awesome is about to happen and arghh, I just love that shit so much! I still need to see the movie. Actually, There's a lot of things I need to watch, like Game Of Thrones and Dr. Who and Breaking Bad... I actually fear that I won't have enough time to watch all of that plus the animes I want to watch... Ahh, the summer life of a teenager :D
 Peace out dudes! (yes, I just used Jason's (veeoneeye on youtube, check him out, he's awesome!) way to call his viewers but you know what? I don't give a what! (Ricky Dillon, I know, I'm awesome!))
Lorac xx

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